Shipments take between 1-3 working days approximately.
Shipments take between 2-4 working days approximately.
Shipments take between 5-7 working days approximately.
We accept all returns within 14 days, counting from the day you receive your order.
Sale items have a return policy of 7 days, counting from the day you receive your order.
Returned items must be in their original condition including their tags and must be unwashed, unworn and unaltered in any way.
Return costs are not covered by Jade V. tales.
We kindly advise you to return your parcel using a track and trace code.
If parcels get lost during transport without having a track and trace code, Jade V. tales is not responsible for a reimbursement.
Returns from Greece
To return items please follow these steps:
Place the item(s) you would like to return back in the box you received them in or any other solid carton box.
Close the box securely, using sufficient tape.
Place the return label on your package
You will receive a refund after we have received the goods according to the above steps.
Your refund will be credited to the original purchaser’s payment method, within 5-10 days after we’ve received your package.
During sale periods, this might take longer.
For sales items we do only changes not refund.
Shipping costs worldwide: